6 Tips for Travel: Making Things Easy, Everytime 


6 Tips for Travel: Making Things Easy, Everytime 

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Ever suffer from travel anxiety? Everyone does from time to time! And there’s a good reason for it. When you are setting off to travel, there is a ton to think through: planning, scheduling, follow-through. It’s enough to overwhelm even the most level-headed and organized adventurers. 

The important part is this: breathe, stay calm. Great, now let’s talk about execution. These 6 tips for travel planning will help you stay on top of everything that needs to be done, stress free!

Set Up Deal Alerts 

First of all, we want to make sure you get the best deal possible. Last-minute plans can sometimes backfire and have you paying premium prices to snag travel or lodging. Use travel apps or even Google alerts to watch for the best possible prices before you confirm. For example, we sometimes have deals at PLACE—so be sure to sign up for our newsletter in case something pops up. 

Read Reviews for Insight 

Thanks to platforms like Yelp and Google Reviews you can get the inside scoop on everything from restaurants to airlines to hotels to local shops. Before you plan a big day, check out what people are saying…about everything! It’s much easier to pivot before you’ve made a reservation (or worse—shown up to the door).

Start Your Packing List Early

A last-minute packing list is bound to lead to someone forgetting something important. Start your packing list a few days or a week early. This way, you have plenty of time to remember missing items, cut back on clutter, and buy anything you don’t yet have. 

Delegate Your Tasks 

One person CAN plan a whole trip alone…but they shouldn’t have to. Travelling in a group? Have one person step in as the team leader. They can assign an even number (or effort-level) of tasks to everyone in the group. Someone can be in charge of packing the beer cooler and someone else can be the money collected to ensure everyone chips in. 

Take Out Cash

Credit and debit cards are all fine and dandy but some emergency cash is a must. Have bills as well as change. You never know whether you might need a payphone (remember those?), require public transport fare, or encounter a cash-only business. Obviously, carry the currency relevant to where you are going. 

Use Expert Advice 

Need help planning and getting the best deal? It’s okay to ask for help from an expert! Read travel blogs or books, reserve time with a tour guide, use a travel agent, or talk to the manager of whatever venue you are staying at. They have plenty of experience to guide you, answer questions, and make suggestions for must-do activities. (YES—you can call us for advice, too!)

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